Saturday 16 July 2011

Busy busy

So eeeer... yeah. Lost a month there...

Honestly though, you haven't missed much. Needed the down time after uni so I haven't actually done much. But!! I've started to pick up the pencil again and play around all sketchy like in my sketchbook. I missed my sketchbook and doodling. I had a mild fall out with drawing since finishing uni because unfortunately drawing for someone else is incredibly subjective. My lecturers (I had two for a particular module) would say two different, and a lot of the time opposing, things about my work. I emailed for feedback a lot and spoke to them a lot but apparently that wasn't enough. I've been told that perhaps I shouldn't have settled for 'yes that's fine' and kept trying to make my work better, and maybe they were right. I trusted the opinions of my lecturers which is why I didn't keep going, that and other modules needed just as much time put into them. So I guess by doing that my work ended up being 'fine' but not great. It's a hard lesson but it's also sometimes hard to know when to stop and when to keep going. Especially when you're working on so many things at once. But that's uni and that's art I suppose. (/rambling -kinda went off on one there)

Anyway, I finished with a 2:1. I will not lie, I was a bit disappointed (I even cried. I knew I would). I was working so hard for a First, it was hard not to feel that way. But after some thought and some chinese food, I feel a bit better. It wasn't what I was aiming for but it's still pretty darn good and I'm proud of it.

So no pictures this time (again - sorry! D:) but in other news I have recently gotten involved with a project. I'm not going to put the details up here just yet but hopefully if I'm allowed, pictures will certainly follow.

Watch this space, peace out and keep aiming for those stars. *thumbs up*

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