Thursday 4 August 2011

Nothing to Report

Have another sketch. Just the one today. Sorry :p

My excuse; I'm hungry so I'ma going home :)


Wednesday 3 August 2011

Naked People

Are Great.

For Drawing :)

So yeah, July was a busy month but not for drawing unfortunately. Had fiance's dad over, week after that his mum and her partner, had a free week after that to sort out me being on jobseekers (great stuff, i know...) and then my mum and little brother visited in the last week. Lots of people! Was lovely to see them all :)

But now, portfolio time. Applied for the Masters Course in Digital Character Animation now, I've sent them my portfolio but it still needs a bit more to it. More Animation Specifically. So I'll be putting up some of my older uni work (that's all I've got :( ) and maybe, if I have time (lol) I might put up a couple of line tests of projects I'm trying to start work on. We'll see..
I've been practising some poses, perspective and twisting using the random pose viewer on It gave me some crazy poses but I tried most of them (I had difficulty seeing what was going where on a few) and I'm pretty happy with them. Especially some of the perspective ones, perspective is one of my weaker areas. And butts. I used to have trouble drawing butts but now I think I can draw a pretty decent one haha!

All done in photoshop (I forgot my sketchbook today -- Shame on me) and took a good few hours. I was relaxing, taking my time, since it's been about a month I've not drawn much for. Will be trying the 30 second challenge after a couple more go's :)